Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Painted More On Townhouse

I'm gonna take my time. I am painting the outside windows and trim and the inside windows at the Calico Critters Townhouse.  This is not perfect but I think it looks a lot better painted.

After the paint dries really good I will finish painting the other two inside windows of the bay window. And then start wallpapering that room probably tomorrow.

Painting & Wallpapering

I have seen on line where a lady painted her Calico Critters Townhouse/dollhouse.  She Painted hers in a shade of blue, the windows.  Here is a photo of what I am currently doing. I'll take my time with this. It's not perfect but I think that the paint makes the dollhouse pop. I'm waiting for the paint to dry real good and then I will put up the wallpaper in this room.  It's taken me a few hours. I traced my template on to scrapbook paper and I think I will like this miniature room..

The paint dried and I put up the wallpaper. It's not perfect but I think it looks cute.