Saturday, March 19, 2016

Saturday; March 19, 2016

Yesterday; I made another miniature dress.  I am having fun with this.  I will keep practicing on this pattern until I get it right.  I am excited to go to Hobby Lobby next week and see what material I can find along with various laces and embellishments for more creations.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Miniature AG Doll Dresses

I have been having fun sewing dresses for the American Girl Dolls.  I made the blue dress yesterday and it took me five hours to make it.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sunday; March 13, 2016

The Pickleweeds Meet The Hopscotch Family For Tea 

A family of hedgehogs, known as the Pickleweeds family were out on a morning Sunday drive when they noticed the orphanage. So they pulled up in the yard and met the friendly rabbits; known as the Hopscotch family.

The Maid and the Butler; We're busy preparing lunch for the busy rabbits. The maid said, "oh dear! I hope that there is enough food for everyone. The dishes do not match! Tsk tsk tsk!"  

The Maid and the Butler snuck a moment to sip some blueberry wine; when no one was paying attention. The little girls were warming their self in front of the fireplace. While the adults were enjoying some tea and refreshments.

While the adults were talking; the little boys went to the parents room and started jumping on the bed.

The babies were upstairs napping and two were playing on the baby blanket.

The Butler was in the bathroom; cleaning for one of the little boys made a mess.

The Butler started purring because he was not happy about the mess that the little boy made; in the bathroom!

The adults were laughing and having a very good time as they enjoyed their hot tea and various pastries.

While the little girls visited in the formal living room…

The butler and the maid have a drinking problem; because they cannot seem to get enough of the blueberry wine.  The children became very bored. The girls went to check on the boys; the sister bunny wanted to jump on the bed with her brother.

The children started laughing as they bounced up and down on their parents bed.

This is fun! The little bunnies said. They started laughing.

The little hedgehogs decided to try some of the blueberry wine. They really started laughing. And then it wasn't long until the Pickleweeds said their goodbyes and headed to their home.


           Stay tuned til next time..,,

Saturday, March 12, 2016

March 12, 2016

Little projects that I worked on today…

Today has been a fun day for me; I worked on a few miniatures for my pink dollhouse that my calico critters currently live in.

Finally the little babies have a bed to sleep in๐Ÿ˜‡.  I plan to get some more of these little beds at the dollar tree and make some bunkbeds for the other little babies to sleep in at the orphanage.

Let's go in and take a look…

I really like the new shelf above the stove; I created that today.
The Hopscotch Family; Butler & Maid & Baby Orphans.